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Cat got my tongue?


Well no, cat hasn’t got my tongue actually, I have just been stupidly busy the last couple of weeks, caught up in  your typical pre-Christmas, end of year craziness and some not-so-typical moving house madness.

And now, I find myself in Brisbane all set for Christmas with Rob’s family. aka, ‘Chrissy in Brissy with the rellies, Mate’. We will officially be all set as soon as I have been to the shops and bought a Boney M Christmas CD!

We spent the last 3 days in Papua New Guinea (!) with Rob’s parents Al and Babs as they are working on a telecommunications contract there. It’s kind of like Uganda meets Jurassic Park, and definitely like nowhere else I’ve ever been. I am guessing you are not quite picturing it yet, but I will remedy that just as soon as I find time to do a post on it.

Until then, I wish you all a beautiful and blessed Christmas filled with lots of deliciousness!