/ Behind The Scenes: Food Safari Season 1, Blog /

Wilhelm Rabie (Digital Imaging Technician)


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Screen Shot 2015-12-14 at 9.37.46 PMDriving through the Victoria Falls National Park

There’s always one. You know, the eccentric techie with quirky rules such as don’t go near my computer and endless paraphernalia with any liquids whatsoever, regardless of the circumstances; own private silent generator for uninterrupted power supply in the middle of the bush; no gluten; no sugar; and several etc’s. But in our case, they’re also the one who manages to put a positive spin on things (or at least a funny spin) when the situation deteriorates from the sublime to the the ridiculous.

Also, if there’s a lull in conversation or a very long road trip going on, and you need something witty/interesting/totally bonkers to chat about, Willie is your guy.

I’m not even sure that I can accurately tell you what Willie does (in fact, I know I can’t, but suffice to say that he takes raw data from the cameras and converts it into relevant files with lots of coding done along the way, and which are then couriered to our editing team); but I know that it’s important, that he must be terribly clever (which of course totally justifies the list of eccentricities), and that he always has time to give Sophie a high-five and have a chat with her, which makes him a total boss in my books. Oh, and then there was that day in Knysna when it was FREEZING cold and windy all day and we were fighting the weather for endless hours, and Willie arrived with a spiced white hot chocolate with my name on it. Thanks Willie my bru, I still see stars.

Photo’s from ‘Sarah Graham’s Food Safari’ by Ricardo de Leça.