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A Sneak Peek into Episode 11
Here’s a collage of all the happy chaos that ensued while we were filming Episode 11 of #bittenTV. The location was Rob’s Aunt Sue and Uncle Chris’ beautiful farm in Stellenbosch, and the feasting started with a roasted tomato and goats cheese tart, moved on to Sue’s Paella and ended with Chris’ potjie.
We all had a ridiculous amount of fun on the farm, entertained gallantly by Sue and Chris and Rob’s cousins James and Becky. We couldn’t have been more warmly welcomed, and we couldn’t have been more grateful that we got to spend a couple of days in their little slice of heaven.
Sue is a past student of the renowned Chef’s school, Silwood in Cape Town, so their home has always overflowed with amazing food and wine and merriment, and it’s one of mine and Rob’s favourite places. Almost every New Year, Sue and Chris have their epic cook-off, with Sue preparing a beautifully fresh Paella, and Chris tending his potjie pot for hours to bring us some of the best comfort food you could ever hope to eat. For this episode it was no different, and we wrapped with us eating under the stars at a very full and happy table.
Sue and I at the kitchen table. I love homes where the kitchen really is the heart of it, and it’s never truer than here.
Sue and I carefully tending our Paella
Roasted Tomato Tart with Pesto, Goat’s Cheese and Basil
Luisa, Minke, Nicola – apparently they all got the mint green memo
Caro delighted with her garden bounty of fresh basil
Minke, Nic and the Potjie Pot
Sophie and I taking a stroll up the driveway
Chris, Rob and Sophie investigating Sue’s pet chickens
And we thought she couldn’t get any cuter…
Sue exploring her garden
Sue and Chris’ home
Nothing beats wellies for the farm.
Investigating the veggie garden!
Lu making the tart look lovely
My Mum and Sophie having lunch by the pool
Chris, Rob and James relaxing on the lawn
The view from Sue and Chris’ garden, and that’s James and Cheeto having a lazy paddle!
Chris, Sue and Craig
Sue’s exquisite home-grown artichokes in flower
The table waiting in anticipation