/ Behind The Scenes: Food Safari Season 1, Blog /

Anina Dippenaar (Production Manager)


Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 8.55.55 PMMaboneng

Screen Shot 2015-12-08 at 9.44.44 PMVictoria Falls (with her Zimbabwean press pass, which she had to organise for the whole crew, and which were about as easy to come by as a polar bear in the Sahara)

Screen Shot 2015-11-22 at 7.11.50 PMMaking her own shade, and babysitting my hat (Antelope Park)

I don’t quite know where to start with this lady. We’d never met until she got off the plane with the rest of the crew in Victoria Falls back in August (although we’d spoken literally hundreds of times on the phone about the most random details from visas and press passes and filming permits to how on earth are we going to get enough grey Pep blankets to use for the mobile sound booth) – but she’s one of those people who effortlessly steals your heart with her endless smile, her almost superhuman kindness and calmness.

Also, her ability to handle detail and logistics will blow your mind. I can’t begin to explain what went into moving 13 people around for 7 weeks between 3 countries. Think meals, accommodation bookings, room allocations (!), visa applications, press passes for Zimbabwe and Zambia (!!), getting our sponsored Suzuki, Defy, Valpre, Le Creuset and Nespresso kit (and boxes and boxes more of stuff) in and out of Zimbabwe; arranging for chocolate reindeer for Episode 3 to be couriered to us from Switzerland to the middle of nowhere, organising silent generators and gas bottles and Yellow Fever injections and, guys please remember to pack your sunscreen and hats and water bottles and no there are no gluten free options for lunch in the middle of the bush) and, you know, everything. With a smile. Anina, you’re adored by us all. You are a total rock star.

Photo’s from ‘Sarah Graham’s Food Safari’ by Ricardo de Leça.