/ Behind The Scenes: Food Safari Season 1 /

A Sneak Peek at Episode 2


Episode Two finds us back in the bush near my favourite Fig Tree, ready for a family breakfast after a lion walk with my Dad, one of my favourite things in the world to do. During the walk we find out more about how the lions’ hunting skills are coming along, as well as meet some of our international volunteers on the project. Are volunteers are placed and hosted by African Impact, a responsible travel organisation that we founded in 2004. We host international volunteers in community development and conservation projects throughout Southern and East Africa. It’s now an award-winning responsible travel company that I’m really proud of. Attached to African Impact is The Happy Africa Foundation which we also founded, and the charity works hand in hand with our team at African Impact on a lot of the developmental work that we do. Our Lion Conservation project is managed by the amazing team at ALERT (African Lion and Environmental Research Trust).

On the menu in Part 1 are beautiful, healthy Quinoa Breakfast Cups; golden, gorgeous Pumpkin Fritters; Smoorsnoek (of sorts); Grapefruit & Star Anise Lemonade. All the recipes and images will be online after the episode airs.

Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 4.58.24 PMWhen I said we were ‘in the middle of the bush’ I meant The. Middle. No running water for our food prep, no electricity. Epic adventure.

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Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 7.07.19 PM Caro’s phone. The one with the very cracked screen. But SO much more than that. Caro’s phone takes continuity photos throughout filming, so that if we break or stop for any reason, and then need to backtrack and re-shoot something, we remember that ‘that knife was there; that pot was to the left of that other pot; that avocado was still whole at that point’ and so the list goes on. Caro is one of our food stylists, she’s a proper plaas chick and we love her not just because of her grit and how tough she is, or how she rocks a pair of Vellies, but because of how good and kind and thoughtful she is, and how much she loves her work and loves making food look beautiful.

Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 5.06.20 PM Yes, let’s all have breakfast with a dozen people peering over our shoulders, and let’s pretend that everything is absolutely, perfectly normal and wonderful. Shall we?

Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 5.05.46 PMSophie Grace and I tucking into the Quinoa Breakfast Cups. I love that she’s such an adventurous eater for her age, that she’s so endlessly curious and delighted with everything around her.

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Double-checking recipes and my script pointers, hiding from the merry chaos behind our loyal Defy stove. People often ask me about the scripting – I prepare a rough skeleton before-hand (I just flicked that sentence out there, but really it takes weeks of planning and preparation), and then build on it as we film, trying to refer to my notes as little as possible as I do so that what I say is completely natural and in the moment. I don’t know how the Jamie’s and Nigella’s of this world make it look so flawless, because I can’t tell you how much concentration I need to think on my feet, cook, convey the recipe properly and (try to!) sound witty and interesting all at the same time.

Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 9.46.15 AM Thinking face.

Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 7.01.00 PMSuch pretty Grapefruit and Star Anise Lemonade. We make a grown-up version for brunch by adding in a little Drostdy Hof Adelprach which really adds to the sweet fruitiness.

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Part 2 – we’re back at the Safari Camp, just on the edge of the water, pretty  much exactly where Rob and I had our wedding reception. I love this pic, flooded in morning light, of Chris (L, Director and Cinematographer) and Zahir (R, Sound) getting all their gear ready before the day begins.

In this Episode I’ll show you how to make home made ricotta, which we then add to Balsamic Mushroom Bruschetta for a delicious snack; we have a beautiful Strawberry and Spinach Leaf salad (Sophie and Isla help me gather the leaves from the garden, it’s the sweetest thing); delicious Fish en Papillote (steamed in a paper parcel); and my Dad’s favourite almost-instant Banana and Peanut Butter Ice Cream, with a ridiculously delicious chocolate swirl running through it, and golden shards of almond brittle to make a pretty confetti.

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Zahir! My China! I have so much time for this guy. He has impeccable manners, he’s endlessly kind, he ALWAYS has time to help fetch and carry for pretty much anyone and everyone, and just generally be awesome, even if it has nothing to do with his job description. And he manages to make fiddling with my pants all day not awkward at all (there are wires and battery packs in all sorts of random places, and they need checking and re-adjusting and battery changing way too often).

Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 3.10.52 PMHave you ever made home made Ricotta? I LOVE it and can’t wait to show you how. And the belt is from my brother, after a recent trip to Kenya, if anyone is wondering. It’s one of my favourite things.Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 3.04.52 PM

I told you, everywhere.

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The scene for our Volunteer Dinner

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My Dad welcoming some new volunteers and giving a talk on our Lion Conservation project

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Seeing so many international volunteers pass through Antelope Park and all our other African Impact projects always restores my faith in humanity; that people are willing to travel from every corner of the world to come and get stuck in and make a difference is heartwarming and inspiring and so special.

Photo’s from ‘Sarah Graham’s Food Safari’ by Ricardo de Leça.