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Hello friends! I feel ridiculously lucky to be back here, with another book. And that’s mostly thanks to you (and the wonderful people at PENGUIN) for being part of the story.

SUPER NATURAL is a celebration of beautiful, plant-based food, and I loved every minute of writing it and being inspired by how miraculous and wonderful the bounty of nature really is. Following on from my previous book, Wholesome, I hope that this will be a companion in the kitchen for eating more close-to-the-earth and carefully grown, seasonal plant-based food that’s full of goodness and which nourishes our bodies and minds.

Having travelled my own healthy eating journey over the last few years, I’ve realized that vegetables are the real unsung heroes of our kitchens, and it’s been a joy to create recipes that celebrate their diversity, as well as their ability to nourish us.

I grew up on a farm, eating mostly simple food that was full-of-goodness and grown in the back garden or just down the road. Our milk and meat were pretty much organic by default, and I had no idea how spoilt I was. We ate a lot of meat (good meat), and I definitely never pictured myself writing a cookbook all about veggies. There are countless reasons why we should be eating a little less meat, and a lot more veggies, both for our own health and that of the planet, and as I’m exploring this way of eating more and more with my family, I know that my body definitely prefers it. And although my diet isn’t exclusively plant based, I’m edging closer all the time, so you could call this ‘the flexitarian’s guide to vegetarianism’ if you like. Whichever way you look at it, Michael Pollan, one of my favourite food thinkers and writers, says it perfectly simply: ‘Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.’

To pre-order your very own signed copy that will be delivered to your door in February next year, head on over to my online store.

I can’t wait to hear what you think!
Sarah x

Oh, and just because I love you all and can’t wait to share all the veggie goodness with you, scroll down for a little sneak peek at two of my favourite speedy, healthy suppers from the book. You’re welcome!