/ Behind The Scenes: Food Safari Season 1, Blog /

Luisa Farelo (Food Stylist)


Screen Shot 2015-11-22 at 10.32.54 PMThat radio. Like A Boss.
(The food team all have radios to communicate quietly behind the scenes while we’re shooting, they make a massive difference to how efficient we can be. And my gosh aren’t they cool?)

Of course the Executive Producer, Producer and Director are in charge. But somehow, it always feels like Luisa is really in charge. She’s all over it, with an efficiency, energy, passion and attention to detail that is staggering.

Also, I should add that Luisa is SQUEAMISH. And not a bush chick. I had a secret mild panic about how she’d cope with how remote we were going to be, the number of creatures there would be (!), how we’d have no running water and no electricity and all the other happy chaos that goes with this kind of work. And though we did hear about every spider or creepy crawly that she encountered, I never once heard her breathe a bad word about any of the other challenges we faced every day, she just took them in her stride. Ate them for breakfast. You made us proud!

Along with our other amazing food stylist, Caro Alberts, Luisa’s involved with everything from conceptualising the look and feel of the show and the food to sourcing props and ingredients, double checking menus and carefully, carefully watching for continuity. Continuity is a giant word in this business. If we cut or break mid-way through a segment for any reason (from bees to a helicpoter flying overhead to I’ve fluffed my words again) we need to know that where we pick up from is exactly where we left off. That chicken wasn’t as golden as that at this point; there was more basil and it was cut much finer than that; the knife was over there not next to the fork, oh bother the ice cream has now melted; you name it. Luisa and Caro are our eyes.

The food team are almost always up before the rest of us, and get to bed after us, having to prep before we start shooting and then clear and prep for the next day, usually long after we’re already fast asleep. They’re incredible and nothing happens without them and we can’t even begin to thank you enough.

More about Luisa
Luisa Farelo graduated from Silwood Cordon Bleu School of Cookery in 2003 not only with a Grande Diploma but with an immense love for all things food. She has since worked in numerous 5 star establishments including Ellerman House and went on to private chef for various clients in Amsterdam, Cannes, New York, San Diego, Ireland and Switzerland.
After finally deciding to settle down in Cape Town, she began working for a food consultancy company called Source Management, where she was given the opportunity to focus on her true passion; recipe development and food styling.
She is now a freelance food stylist and has worked on various exciting projects which include developing and styling recipe cards for a leading SA retailer as well as styled for clients such as Crush Online, Yuppiechef, Your Family, NoMU and the t.v series “Sarah Graham Cooks Cape Town” and “Sarah Graham’s Food Safari” (to name a few).

Screen Shot 2015-10-07 at 10.27.49 AMWe’re double checking stuff.

Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 10.49.50 PMJoining in the meal, for once (she’s normally far too busy making everything perfect), at the breathtakingly beautiful Gondwana Game Reserve.

Screen Shot 2015-12-08 at 9.40.05 PMVictoria Falls

Photo’s from ‘Sarah Graham’s Food Safari’ by Ricardo de Leça.