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Q and A with Candice from Candibod


We loved chatting to the gorgeous Candice Bodington recently – this girl is a powerhouse entrepreneur with some serious street smart and her tips on everything from fitness to eating well and living life to the full are definitely going to inspire you.

So Where Did It All Start for Candice Bodington, Health and Wellness Blogger and founder of Candibod Fitclub?
“So take a girl with the energy of a greyhound stuck behind a desk for too many years who gave it all up to pursue a more fulfilling life centered around her passion for health and fitness. That rather convoluted sentence sums me up.

After quitting my job as a graphic designer (too many days spent tapping your feet under a desk can do crazy things to you), I studied personal training and nutrition. The next step was sharing my love and excitement for wellness, and thus Candibod fitness came to life.

My blog combines my love for design and detail with my enthusiasm for a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle.

Take away all the fluff and you get a Cape Town girl who is crazy at heart, loves coffee and good food (perhaps a little too much), likes to experiment in the kitchen and who just wants to share the things in life that inspire her.”

When did you realise that sharing tips and advice on fitness, healthy eating and living well was what you wanted to make a career out of?
I never went into my career with the idea of social media being the main driving source of how I would share my journey with other women. My career choice was based around helping and sharing knowledge where I could – we just live in a time where that is the most effective tool to use.

Your advice on where to start for people who know they want to be more healthy but who are totally overwhelmed?
I recently wrote a full blog post about this, so have a read here.
If you are feeling super overwhelmed with starting your fitness journey, here are some tips that have helped me:

Tip #1: Set yourself realistic goals!
There is no point measuring your success on someone else’s ruler. What helped me was setting a realistic goal for each part of my life {Fitness, Health and Mindfulness} that made me excited to achieve them.

Tip #2: Start a program.
Now that you have your goals in place; find a program that suits them and your lifestyle. For me it was finding something that got me moving and didn’t take a lot of my time.
Tip #2.1 Set a side time from the start! This is where so many people stop progressing.

Tip #3: Find a community or space that will support you!
For me it’s the BBG Community and the accountability of the ladies I am doing the challenge with in Cape Town. Knowing that I am going through the motions with others is a great help when sticking with a program; whether it’s online or in person.
Tip #3.1: Gym-phobia is a real thing, mostly for women, finding a space to complete your workouts comfortably will play a huge factor role in your commitment to a program.
For me I like to go at quite times at the gym or from the comfort of my home.

Tip #4: Ask for help!
If you are unsure of how exercises need to be executed, or the thought of a burpee is like climbing a mountain – invest some time with a qualified PT to go through your program with you. This can help with preventing injury and quitting a program because of self-doubt.

Tip #5: Take it slow.
Who cares if Sally is weeks ahead of you, or she’s lifting heavier – this is your journey! Take the time you need to ease into your program or new fitness journey. Remember this is a marathon, not a sprint!

Tip #6: Take progress shots and measurements.
This is something I wish I had done at the beginning of my fitness journey as it helps to measure your progress in a far more beneficial way than a scale.

Tip #7: Gear up!
It sounds silly, but honestly nothing gets me more excited than a new set of leggings and a banging play list! As my mom always used to say ‘dress for success’ – so I took that rule of thumb into the gym!

Tip #8: Rest & Recovery.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your progress. If I had paid more attention to foam rolling, recovery exercises and more rest days, I would have saved myself so much time and money!

Tip #9: Focus on your weaknesses.
This tip goes hand in hand with Tip #8, if you have a weak knee or bad shoulder DO NOT IGNORE IT! Rather set time a side to strengthen it, so it doesn’t become the reason you have to pause your program half way through it. Train smart, not hard!

Tip #10: Don’t go home first!
If you have had a long day at work and your intention is to go back to the gym, 9/10 you won’t. Stick to your commitment and head straight to the gym! Unless the gym is home, then you have to possibly get a spouse on board to push your toosh into gear!

And last nuggets tip for you guys, is learn to be active anyway! Your journey should be a part of your lifestyle not just something to tick off your to-do list. Walking, hiking, swimming, rock climbing – there’s so many ways to be excited about your journey;, all you have to do is start.

Tea or coffee?
BOTH. Coffee in the day (I am working towards cutting back for my hormonal imbalances) Tea before bed.

What is your favourite indulgence of choice?
Vegan treats! Thank goodness, treats are the besssst! And I say indulgent, because most vegan treats are very calorie dense.

Favourite quick fix recipe?
This would be my chocolate pea protein hormonal balancing smoothie which I sadly don’t have a photo of – because it really is a quick fix but I love the nutrients and colours of smoothie bowls.

Advice for keeping a good work-life balance?
Time management, just like you set time to have meetings and answer emails you should set that exact same time for your loved ones.

3 tips for women entrepreneurs?
Learn to understand tax.
Know your worth.
Don’t under sell yourself out of fear of being rejected.

Foods you cannot live without?
Bananas, raw cacao, hemp seeds, eggs, roasted veg, gluten free oats, smoothies and vegan treats! 

What is your go-to snack on the run?
I try not snack on the run as it’s not a very mindful way of eating, but when I am waiting to go somewhere or for a meeting I will snack on fruit and nut mix.

What makes you the happiest?
A solid workout, a well-planned diary and being present and loved with my man.